Saturday, March 1, 2008

Mike on Hannity & Colmes last night

If you missed H&C last night, you missed a good one. Governor Huckabee was the first guest and I found myself yelling at Sean on the TV and cheering Mike on. Here is the link to go check it out. This is the only one I can find for now.

I actually found myself being kind to Alan Combes because he was being very down to earth with Gov. Huckabee and actually seems to like him and support him in some of his positions. Sean wants Mike to just get out of the race. Sean has been so mouthy during this election that I've lost all respect for him. I use to really enjoy him....a good deal, but I won't be watching him after the election coverage is over.

Today we are focusing on Texas. They haven't put any OH call numbers up yet and I wish they would. I will be going from studying for mid-terms to calling for Mike. We are waiting on that big miracle to happen and for some reason, I believe it's just around the corner!!

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