Thursday, May 20, 2010

Eclipse: Love Is Forever Video

As most of you know, I am a major Twilight addict anymore. Once I began reading the books, I realized just what an amazing author Stephenie Myers truly is. The movies were great....but the books are beyond that. My husband thinks I've lost it because I've went so "twicrazy"! :o) I can't wait until the Eclipse premiere June 30th!!! Here is Muse's new video from the Twilight:Eclipse soundtrack. Another amazing song!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life Is At Full Swing

Wow! Two more weeks and the school year is over! It has flown by. I have been focused on nothing but getting end of the year projects done for my students. I am really looking forward to just kicking back and spending some time scrapbooking over the summer. I have a ton to catch up on and I'm excited about it.

My sweet husband has been working longer hours the past few weeks so that has given be even more alone time. The boys have been busy with tennis, baseball and scouting. They are just growing up too fast!!!!!

Brandon Baseball

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful sunshine out there!