Lipstick on a Pig
by Mike Huckabee
Last night, while on Hannity & Colmes I cut Barack Obama some slack on his reference to "lipstick on a pig." Now I personally don't think he was referring to Gov. Palin, but if he was he should apologize immediately.
Almost twenty four hours into this new controversy and the accusations are continuing to fly from both campaigns. That's too bad. Let's shift back to the issues.
Barack Obama released an education proposal yesterday that has plenty of faults. Lets talk about it instead. Republicans have been arguing correctly for choice in our schools and adding accountability. Lets spend our time and energy focusing on what we stand for. There is plenty to talk about.
Where is the discussion on the continuing rise of healthcare costs in the nation? These costs are crippling families and combined with the high cost of gasoline, making it almost impossible for working class families to save, with many pushed further into debt as they struggle just to get by.
Republicans should be trumpeting our openness to drill, conserve and use alternative sources of energy. Republicans should promote our focus on preventative care to help cut health care costs in the long term. We need to advocate policies that will encourage the private sector to seek innovative ways to bring down costs and improve the free market for health care services. We have to change a system that happily pays $30,000 for a diabetic to have his foot amputated, but won't pay for the shoes that would save his foot.
Republicans know we can make health care more affordable by reforming medical liability; adopting electronic record keeping; making health insurance more portable from one job to another; expanding health savings accounts to everyone, not just those with high deductibles; and making health insurance tax deductible for individuals and families as it now is for businesses. Low income families would get tax credits instead of deductions. We don't need all the government controls that would inevitably come with universal health care.
A return to the issues is what the American people expect and it is a mistake to think that our Republican ideas somehow can't compete with the Democrats. And frankly, if anyone tells you otherwise, that dog won't hunt.

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