Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday, Monday

Well, it's Monday and everyone has had the day off today except for me. I had two classes this morning and a paper to type up for tomorrow. Brandon is going to be my guest speaker in my late afternoon class tomorrow because I had to write a paper about how martial arts could either be bad for a child or benefit them. So I thought since he would be out of school that it would be fun for him to tell what he's learned. Not to mention there is only about 7 of us in the class. And I know my Professor would get a kick out it.

In my Child Development I class we are talking about childbirth so I took in my video of Brandons birth and my Professor loved it. She was cheering me on just as if she was there. Whew! what a memory!!!

I made 405 calls to Wisconsin yesterday, 85 on Saturday and about 40 today so far. I haven't had the television on at all today because I don't want to hear all the BS from McCrappy's side or the other "republicans" demanding Mike drop out of the race. If we weren't such a threat, they wouldn't pay any attention to us so what does that tell you.

And the BIG kicker of all today...........BRITTANY TURNED 18!!!! Oh lord, this could be either good.....or bad. It's just hard for me to take it all in right now at this point. Guess we'll see how things are when summer rolls around. Well, I'm off to finish up a few more assignments and figure out dinner. Then you know what I'm gonna do after that??? HIT THE PHONE BANKS!!!!!!!!

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